Fears in Russia Over Pharmaceutical Supplies

Russia is running low on insulin and other important medical supplies produced abroad, the Kommersant business daily reported Wednesday,
regulator Roszdravnadzor and a national association of pharmacies attributed insulin shortages to "urgent consumer demand," Kommersant said
was no disruption to production and distribution chains.Several patients interviewed by Kommersant said there was a rush on insulin because
other medical devices used by diabetics are produced abroad, and they expected a general price hike or shortages caused by
been hampered by supply chain disruptions.Local stocks are expected to last three to six months, it said.The collapse of the Soviet Union
saw Russia's prized pharmaceutical industry collapse and ushered in a period where the country was reliant on Western laboratories.Moscow
has been working to reduce its dependence on the West, a policy advanced after EU and U.S
sanctions following Russia's annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014.However, local production is still largely dependent on imported
raw materials.