U.S. Authorizes $200M in Additional Military Aid to Ukraine

U.S.President Joe Biden authorized $200 million in additional military equipment for Ukraine Saturday, as Russia widens its bombardment and
pummels civilian areas.Washington already authorized $350 million of military equipment on Feb
history.Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's pleas for help have grown increasingly desperate, and he has repeatedly urged Washington,
the EU and NATO for help.In a memorandum to U.S
Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Biden designated "up to an aggregate value of $200 million in defense articles and services of the
Department of Defense, and military education and training, to provide assistance to Ukraine."Russia said Saturday its troops could target
supplies of Western weapons in Ukraine and that the pouring in of weapons would turn convoys "into legitimate targets."The latest U.S
authorization of military aid comes two days after the U.S
invasion would be better served by the supply of ground-based weapons.Washington had previously authorized $60 million in military
assistance to Ukraine last fall, followed by another $200 million in December for weapons and ammunition.Biden has ruled out direct U.S
meanwhile, sought to double financing for military aid to Ukraine by an extra 500 million euros (around $550 million).In a video message
recorded outside his presidential office in Kyiv, Zelensky demanded the EU "do more" to help his country.