Violin Becomes 'Weapon Of Resistance' in Ukraine Shelters

From her shelter in Ukraine's second city Kharkiv, Vera Lytovchenko has become a social media sensation with her violin performances that
of support from around the world and she has used the attention to launch a fundraiser."I'm not a doctor, a soldier, or a politician
I want to help my friends and music teachers who have lost their homes, their jobs, their instruments," she added.A soloist with the Kharkiv
Opera Orchestra, the 39-year-old said she was inspired by one of her students who played violin for people taking refuge in a subway.She has
been living in the basement with 11 others, including children and elderly, since the city near the Russian border came under heavy
There are people who are not so lucky," she said.Helping his country through music is also the goal of Illia Bondarenko, 20, who filmed
said Bondarenko, who took refuge with his grandmother in the Lviv region of western Ukraine but remains worried about his parents stranded
resistance.""I can do more with my music than with weapons," he said.The London Symphony Orchestra's Kerenza Peacock, who organized the
We wanted to get back to the bond that we had before the war," she said."I chose this lullaby because my mother sang it to me to calm me
down when I was a baby
And I want people who watch the video to feel peace in their hearts."