Russian Economy Facing ‘Massive Structural’ Challenges, Central Bank Says

emergency hike late February in the days after Moscow launched its invasion of Ukraine and the West imposed unprecedented financial
highest level in 24 years in the weeks following the invasion of Ukraine
Officials warned Friday against panic buying as a number of Russian stores reported shortages in staple goods such as sugar and toilet paper
due to a surge in consumer demand against the backdrop of fast-rising prices.In a press conference Friday, Governor Elvira Nabiullina said
Bank said
of the introduction of trade and financial sanctions on Russia
to that period, with Western businesses fleeing the country and the government considering options such as nationalization and expropriation
in a bid to minimize job losses.President Vladimir Putin warned earlier this week that Russians should be prepared for an increase in
tough sanctions
previously criticized the Russian government for not announcing a significant stimulus package to help support the economy
during the coronavirus pandemic.Nabiullina warned the government against the introduction of more restrictive measures, such as price
introduce price controls