Russia’s Central Bank to Buy Government Bonds

25, following the imposition of unprecedented economic sanctions on Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine that sent the ruble tumbling.Governor
Dmitry Polevoy, an analyst at the Loko Invest brokerage.Traders are braced for extreme falls in the value of Russian assets once trading
while others have already written off huge losses and will be prepared to sell at any price.Nabiullina added that the Central Bank was
stability has returned to the financial markets, we plan to fully sell the assets that have been acquired in order to neutralize the effects
shares once trading does restart in order to protect Russians.It also previously set aside up to 1 trillion rubles ($10 billion) to buy
Russian shares when the market reopened in order to avoid the worst of a massive sell-off
years, boosted by relaxed legislation, low commissions and mobile brokerages