Steadfast Pensioner Becomes Symbol of Russia’s Anti-War Movement

Born at the tail end of World War II, in a Leningrad devastated by a brutal 900-day Nazi blockade, Yelena Osipova grew up witnessing the
footage of her frequent detentions by police going viral.Since Russian troops entered Ukraine on Feb
been speaking out against injustice and tragedy in her home country for two decades.Her first protest followed the 2002 Nord Ost siege, when
Ost was the warning
the opposition
So, I go out separately, alone
smiled, referring to the Soviet anti-illiteracy program.Passersby frequently stopped to speak to Osipova as she held her picket at the
My pension is small
It was impossible to pay, so they started withholding money from my pension
That was the way they punished me
navigate her way with a flashlight
Especially the young generation
There are a lot of women in [the police force] now
Then you can, of course
You never know
It is too late
are barely moving now