Russia Warns European Oil Embargo Would ‘Hit Everyone'

An embargo on Russian oil imports, pushed for by some European countries over Moscow's military action in Ukraine, would have a direct
impact on everyone, the Kremlin said Monday.Some EU countries including Baltic states have called for an embargo on Russian oil and gas,
while Germany has opposed an outright halt on Russian energy imports.EU foreign ministers on Monday are meeting to discuss the situation in
Ukraine and possible tightening of sanctions.U.S
President Joe Biden is set to attend an EU summit on Ukraine on Thursday in Brussels that will debate energy prices and supply
security.Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists that an oil embargo "is a decision that will hit everyone.""Such an embargo will
have a very serious impact on the world energy market, it will have a very serious negative impact on Europe's energy balance," he said.The
United States this month announced a ban on Russian oil and gas, while Britain has said it will cut out Russian oil imports by the end of
this year.Peskov said that the Americans will be less affected by such a measure, and "will feel much better than the Europeans
It will be tough for the Europeans."