At a Young Russian Soldier’s Funeral, Denunciations of ‘Ukrainian Nazis,’ Soviet Dissolution

destruction of the U.S.S.R
Everything that was built after 1990 is a lie
PonomarevMost of those inside the church were Ulyashev's classmates, young people no older than 22 years old, as well as relatives, and
arrived at the Ulyashev family's home to report that their son had died in Ukraine.According to the paperwork, sapper Kirill Ulyashev had
died two weeks earlier, on Feb
March 15, his body so badly damaged that even his parents were forbidden to open the coffin."How can you be sure it's him? We were told to
in Russia's "special operation" in Ukraine.Kirill PonomarevLike many young Russian men, Kirill had joined the army as a conscript
After two months of military service he signed on as a professional soldier, joining the elite 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division, widely
26, Kirill wrote to his family from the forests north of Kyiv, telling them that everything was alright
Anatoly Kokin, and the district head, 42-year-old former FSB officer Dmitry Maslov, delivered eulogies over the coffin.In the House of
can console the grief that we are experiencing
Today, thousands of our fellow countrymen mourn with us
He remained faithful to his military duty to the end and died heroically not at war with Ukraine, not at war with the Ukrainian army, but in
a battle of good against evil
He did everything to ensure that goodness won in this world
man who died in a war that is being fought to defend our country from the evil that our grandfathers did not finish during the Great
carnations atop the coffin
After that, the body was again loaded into the hearse and taken to a rag-tag cemetery just across from a small supermarket.A burial plot had
been prepared for Kirill on the very edge of the graveyard
Their group carried out a combat mission and encountered the Nazis
The soldiers completed their task in full
Unfortunately, in this battle we lost our paratrooper brother, our comrade
His name will be immortalized
His grandmother was still weeping, wrapping her hands around the zinc box
The family began to pull her away
As the band struck up the Russian national anthem, the coffin was slowly lowered into the ground
A row of cadets fired a salute from their Kalashnikovs
Burly men dumped earth into the newly dug pit, piled dozens of wreaths onto the grave and erected a wooden cross bearing a portrait of a
It was the only thing left to her from her son after his departure to exercises in February.The village head announced that everyone could
go to a cafe for a memorial dinner, paid for by the local administration.Kirill UlyashevFamily archiveThe roadside cafe was a small,
red-brick building at the entrance to the village
served at Russian funerals.Elderly men in their 50s and 60s chatted about events in Ukraine
For some, it was a reminder of their own youth, when the coffins of local boys killed in Afghanistan began to arrive back in the village.Men
sat down at the table
Someone silently poured vodka
There were paratroopers from Kirill's brigade, his relatives, and young people