Spotlight of Shame on Companies Sticking With Russia

American professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld is putting public pressure on Western companies that maintain operations in Russia despite its war
against neighboring Ukraine.The Yale University expert on management and leadership has them on a list publicly posted for consumers and
investors around the world to see, the idea being that the shame will make the businesses change course and leave Russia.Sonnenfeld believes
that the tougher daily life is for Russian citizens, the more motivated they will be to turn against President Vladimir Putin.In an
interview, he tells AFP he has spoken out because there is "no middle ground" possible with Moscow regarding its invasion.Why did you start
the list?Sonnenfeld: "There were about a dozen companies that moved to cut ties with Russia after it invaded Ukraine
They were not the companies that usually move first on social or human rights issues
So, I put together a little team that has no particular ideology or involvement with these companies and can objectively assess them."It was
originally just a list showing those who did something and those who did nothing, but we realized that was not enough
Now, there are five categories, from a complete withdrawal to people who are digging in."Is it a valid argument to stay for sake of
employees or citizens in Russia?"It's disgusting that any of these companies (that stay in Russia) try for some humanitarian or
paternalistic employer arguments
It's just because of their own greed
They should be called out and shamed for it."Companies staying "undermines the whole purpose of the economic sanctions and these voluntary
business blockades
Which is not to bring comfort to the Russian population and allow them to continue to be complacent
It is to make them uncomfortable; it is to increase the sense of stress in Russian society so that they question their leadership."There are
some people who sympathetically say 'the Russian general population has filtered information.' Well, every Russian knows that too..
They should be questioning the truth of what they're being told, and if they don't, they are willingly ignorant."When ceasefires are openly
violated by the Russians or when you have children's hospitals being bombed, there's no middle ground here."We hear every day from companies
that are furious (about being on the list)
They'll send us examples of threats that they're getting from international hacker groups like Anonymous
Well, that's not our problem
This is a choice they've made
And if there's backlash from the community, they should change their position."