Uber gets into scooters, every VC is raising, and why private equity loves SaaS

Hello and welcome back toEquity, TechCrunch venture capital-focused podcast where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines. This week we
had the full crew in the studio along with a friend
The excellent Connie Loizos hosted, and Matthew Lynley and I were both on as well, along with our guest this week:Graham Brown, a partner
atLerer Hippeau, an early-stage venture fund based in New York. We took a slightly different tack this episode
Yes, scooters came up, but we have some later-stage notes that should be a welcome reprieve for regular listeners
Also, no crypto! Up first was the Uber-Lime deal
Lime, one of the two domestic scooter darlings, raised a brick of new capital recently, including monies from ridesharing giant Uber
Getting a tie-in with Uber does two things
First, it dramatically raises the profile of Lime domestically as it can perhaps tap into the Uber customer base
Second, it puts pressure on Lyft (an Uber competitor) and Bird (a Lime competitor) to do a deal themselves. We weren&t sure if those two
would link up, but hey, it 2018 and nothing is impossible. Moving along we took a peek at the epic scale of new venture funds being raised
At issue is how those funds are going to have a shot at putting up venture-tier returns
Or is IRR kaput We also chatted over some venture results from the second quarter, including a quick scan of some numbers from my team
concerningthe United States and global venture markets. Lastly, we masticated over a recent WSJ article concerning Vista Equity Partners&
work ingesting SaaS companies, lopping off costs, and working to boost growth
It matters, as the market is currently seeing more money flow into software companies that are a bit more slowly growing
The rising prices that less-attractive firms are managing to command is a good indicator of the market current heat. And if you have a
minute, listen to the bonus clip after the closing stuff
We&ll be back in a week! Equity drops every Friday at 6:00 am PT, so subscribe to us onApple Podcasts,Overcast, Pocket Casts, Downcast
and all the casts.