Ukraine's Zelensky Dismisses Russian Claims of Scaleback

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday dismissed Russia's vows to de-escalate fighting against its neighbor, saying his army
was getting ready for further fighting in the east."We don't believe anyone, not a single beautiful phrase," Zelensky said in a video
address to the nation, adding that Russian troops were regrouping to strike the eastern Donbas region."We will not give anything away
We will fight for every meter of our territory," he added.After another round of peace talks in Istanbul on Tuesday, a Russian negotiator
said Moscow would "radically" scale back its attacks around the capital Kyiv and the northern city of Chernigiv.However, shelling continued
during the night.On Wednesday, U.S
military officials said Russian forces did begin to pull out of the defunct Chernobyl nuclear power site north of Kyiv."We think that they
are leaving, I can't tell you that they're all gone," said a U.S
defense official speaking on condition of anonymity.Zelenskiy said in his video address that any retreat by Russian forces was "the result
of the work of our defenders."Zelenskiy said that as the center of the global fight for freedom, Ukraine has the right to demand weapons
from the international community, including tanks, planes, artillery systems."Freedom must be armed as well as tyranny," he said.In a
separate development, the Russian Defense Ministry announced a local ceasefire Thursday to allow civilians to be evacuated from Ukraine's