Russian FM Lavrov Touts ‘Eurasian Partnership’ in India Visit

just in a one-sided way," Lavrov said at a press conference ahead of talks with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar.Like China,
financial sanctions have reportedly made it difficult for India to pay Russia for imports including arms, oil, rough diamonds and
fertilizers.The two nations look close to agreeing a rupee-ruble mechanism to circumvent Western sanctions that have cut Russia off from
global payment systems, according to media reports
up to 85% of its arms, including some of its most technical and costly equipment like submarines, SU-30 fighter aircraft and T-90 battle
create."Lavrov met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi late Friday.While China and India may be keen on striking some economic bargains,
their willingness to show political support for the Kremlin is less clear
Secretary of State Antony Blinkenspoke by telephone with Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar late Thursday to discuss "the worsening