More Than 170 Detained in Ukraine Protests Across Russia

monitors arrests during protests, said police had detained at least 176 people during demonstrations in 14 cities in Russia.An AFP
journalist in Moscow witnessed more than 20 people detained by riot police under heavy snowfall in the capital's central park Zaryadye, a
collapse of (Russia's) economy," against Russian President Vladimir Putin and to demand freedom for jailed Kremlin critic Alexei
Petersburg, AFP saw multiple arrests near the city's Legislative Assembly where around 40 people gathered, although it was unclear how many
were there to protest."Nobody will come, all the active ones were detained at previous protests," said 30-year-old Sergei Gorelov, who said
he came to "take a look and show support if necessary.""I just came to stand around, to somehow express my protest to everything that is
It's scary to protest actively," Galina Sedova, 50, told AFP at the scene.Protesters risk fines and possible prison sentences by taking to
the streets.OVD-Info says that over 15,000 people have been detained at rallies across the country to protest Russian military action in
Ukraine, which was launched on Feb