Who Is the Author of Russia’s ‘Blueprint for Genocide’ Essay

sovereignty for at least for a generation
The piece was published Sunday, the same day as evidence emerged in the Ukrainian town of Bucha that Russian troops had carried out summary
While he has worked for high-profile clients including the former pro-Russian president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, as well as Russian
Kolesnikov, a political analyst at Carnegie Moscow Center, told The Moscow Times
added.Segreitsev is a self-avowed acolyte of deceased Soviet philosopher Georgy Shchedrovitsky, whose cult following includes President
Novosti article include that the vast majority of Ukrainians are Nazis, or have links to Nazi ideology, and that they need to be
political consultant for Ukrainian President Yanukovych, whose election win in 2004 led to widespread protests dubbed the Orange Revolution
consultant for Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov and his centrist party Right Cause
parliamentary elections