‘Private Pivovarov is on Assignment’: How Russia Hides its Military Casualties

but we found out that Stas was in a hospital in Dnipropetrovsk with a serious leg wound
400 letters from relatives of servicemen sent to Ukraine who have stopped contacting their families, an employee of the office who wished to
vary widely
has reported 18,000 Russian troops dead
Citing military intelligence data, the U.S
lost about 14,000 men in its 10-year war in Afghanistan
The total of men killed in the two Chechen campaigns was 11,000.The Defense Ministry and Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov did not respond to
requests for comment from The Moscow Times.The final journeyIn an interview with independent Russian journalists in late March, Ukrainian
the bodies of servicemen wounded or killed in action
given to the commander, who writes a report and passes it up the command chain
But reports are very rough these days, and no one knows the number of casualties."Bodies must be identified in order for soldiers to be
declared as killed in action
into the category of missing
Bodies not returned to Russia, unidentifiable or buried in Ukraine are also not included in the list of those who were killed in action,
Vladimir Putin promised that the families of servicemen killed in Ukraine would receive 7.4 million rubles (approx
during the war in Chechnya are buried in a cemetery in Rostov-on-Don
Their genetic samples are still kept in a database, but the likelihood of identification decreases every year.A military forensic medical
fragment is examined
Even if we assume that they all belong to the same body, it's a gigantic job," he said
Unfortunately, not all of the men killed in Chechnya have been identified
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