Specs We&ll talk specs later
Right now we&re focused on something far more important: keyboard noise.It been a common complaint among MacBook users since the company
shifted to the butterfly switch
Some of that can no doubt be chalked up to the fact that people really hate change when it comes to something as fundamental as a
keyboard.Even so, there no mistaking the fact that, in the right hands, this thing can cause a ruckus
Turns out those right hands were here in front of our face all along.You probably know Anthony Ha from such websites as and
conferences such as TechCrunch Disrupt
I know him from sitting right next to me in TechCrunch New York City headquarters.What you may not know, however, is that Anthony is a loud
If the computer keyboard was an instrument, Anthony would be Glenn Gould
But, like, young Glenn Gould, not end-of-life, the weight of the world is on my shoulders Glenn Gould
He makes the computer keys sing.Naturally, he was the first person myself and the rest of the TechCrunch staff thought of when we heard
about the updated keyboard
&I&ll type on any keyboard you put under me.& Challenge accepted.Here are the
Anthony is capable of making any keyboard loud
It like the least helpful mutant ability, but there you go.
This isn&t scientific
Sadly TechCrunch multi-million dollar keyboard sound recording laboratory was not finished in time for this piece
Rather I held my podcasting mic close next to the keys while Anthony typed.
The sentence being typed is &The quick brown fox jumps over the
lazy dog& over and over again
It like a more adorable version of that one scene from The Shining.
The difference is noticeable, but it not like night and day or anything
As the company noted, the underlying technology is still the same here
They won&t say precisely what been tweaked, but it should be clear once the inevitable teardowns start popping up.
There a distinct
difference in sound quality here
The original has a more clacking typewriter sound, while the new version is a bit more muffled — almost under water
The different quality could account for the perceived difference between the two.
It very nice outside today, but we&re in here recording
Don&t say we never did anything for you.