Warsaw Seizes Abandoned Russian ‘Spy Nest’ for Ukraine

The mayor of Poland's capital on Monday took control of a former Russian diplomatic site, dubbed the "spy nest" and at the center of a
bilateral dispute, for Ukraine's use."I'm glad that in such a symbolic way we can show that Warsaw is helping our Ukrainian friends," mayor
using a local nickname for the building, or "Szpiegowo" in Polish.He entered the premises with a bailiff and Ukraine's ambassador to Poland
the 1970s in the capital's south was once used by Soviet diplomats, followed by the Russian embassy.Practically abandoned since the 1990s,
were built under a land swap agreement between Poland and the Soviet Union in 1974, which saw Moscow receive nine new properties in
might be a school, or perhaps a kindergarten or apartments," he told reporters, adding, "We want to do it legally, not like the
Russians.""We don't want to occupy anything before it's legally transferred over."