Russia Says Black Sea Flagship Moskva Has Sunk

Russia's guided missile cruiser Moskva has sunk in the Black Sea after being damaged during the military operation in Ukraine, Russia's
defense ministry said late Thursday."While being towed ..
toward the destination port, the vessel lost its balance due to damage sustained in the hull as fire broke out after ammunition exploded
Given the choppy seas, the vessel sank," the state news agency TASS quoted the ministry as saying.The ministry had earlier said that the
was damaged by "Neptune domestic cruise missiles," in an account largely echoed by the regional governor."This is a big blow to the Black
Sea fleet, this is..
a key part of their efforts to execute some sort of naval dominance in the Black Sea," Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told CNN."This is going
not in any position to refute the Ukrainian side of this," he added
"It's certainly plausible and possible that they did in fact hit this with a Neptune missile or maybe more."