This weekend's World Cup final will determine which country has the right to call themselves the best football team in the world
samples from tens of thousands of devices, has devised a tournament to see which of the 32 participating nations has the best
The groups are the same as they are in the real FIFA World Cup and the top two in each will progress to the second round.Eleven of the 16
in the world (45Mbps) saw it push Mexico into 3rd
In both the FIFA World Cup and the OpenSignal World Cup, Germany (19Mbps) failed to advance
Europe fared well with 12 of 16 teams progressing, alongside Uruguay, Australia, Japan and South Korea
The criteria for the round of 16 was 3G download speed
Nordics with Iceland (9Mbps).Belgium (9Mbps) beat Poland (5Mbps), Croatia (8Mbps) defeated Australia (6Mbps), and Portugal (6Mbps) won out
South Korea (5Mbps).Here we can see that the more advanced 4G nations do not have the same pedigree in 3G, with the notable exception of
Sweden.The start of the business-end of the tournament was decided on 4G upload speeds
Of the eight OpenSignal quarter-finalists, only half also made the same stage of the FIFA World Cup.Croatia (13Mbps) progressed to the
semi-finals with victory over Portugal (9Mbps), while Belgium (13Mbps) recorded a win over Sweden (9Mbps)
OpenSignal separated the teams with 4G download speeds, a move which allowed Belgium (35Mbps) to sneak into the final ahead of Croatia
They would face Denmark (36Mbps) who bear Serbia (31Mbps) in the other tie.The finalThe final itself was settled on overall download speeds
This is the equivalent of a football match going to extra time and penalties.Given the unpredictability of Russia 2018, a Belgium v Denmark
Thanks to the early 3G stumbles of Australia and South Korea, Denmark managed to avoid the intimidating 4G threat of those Asian countries
in the penultimate stages
That, in turn, allowed Denmark to dominate the later rounds, all the way up to its skin-of-its-teeth win over Belgium in the final
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