Family of Captured U.K. Fighter Says Moscow Breaking Geneva Rules

The family of a captured British man fighting in Ukraine accused Russia on Wednesday of breaking the Geneva Convention after it broadcast a
Pinner asking to be exchanged for Viktor Medvedchuk, a wealthy Ukrainian businessman close to President Vladimir Putin."The video of Aiden
speaking under duress and having clearly suffered physical injuries is deeply distressing," Aslin's family said in a statement released by
statement said the family was in touch with the U.K
Foreign Office "to ensure the Russian authorities meet their obligations to prisoners of war under international law."It added that it was
seeking "to secure the release of Aiden and Shaun."Prime Minister Boris Johnson told MPs on Wednesday: "I hope that he was treated with care
and compassion."He also said he "thoroughly" echoed Jenrick's assessment that the video represented "a flagrant breach of the Geneva
Convention" and that "treating any prisoner of war in this manner is illegal."Aslin moved to Ukraine in 2018 and joined the Ukrainian
Marines around four years ago