5 Russian Enlistment Offices Set on Fire to Protest War – Reports

At least five Russian military enlistment offices have been set on fire since the start of the invasion of Ukraine, media reported
Thursday.The latest incident took place in the remote Mordovia region Monday, according to the 7x7 news website
Molotov cocktails burned down several computers and a database of conscripts in the Zubova Polyana settlement."The recruitment campaign in
the [local] districts was put on pause," the iStories online news outlet said.In March, local residents damaged military enlistment offices
in the Voronezh, Sverdlovsk and Ivanovo regions with Molotov cocktails
Young men detained in Sverdlovsk and Ivanovo said they sought to disrupt the recruitment campaign in protest of Russia's war in Ukraine.Four
days after Russian troops rolled into the neighboring country on Feb
24, a 21-year-old resident set fire to the enlistment office in the Moscow region town of Lukhovitsy
He said he wanted to destroy the conscripts' archives to prevent mobilization
clamped down on anti-war protests, including with newly passed laws criminalizing the spread of broadly defined "fake" information about the
the previous drive.The Russian military holds two annual draft sessions, in spring and autumn, when it recruits eligible men aged 18 to 27