Putin Claims Ukraine Won’t Allow Azovstal Defenders to Surrender

Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Kyiv on Friday of not allowing its fighters in Mariupol, currently making a last stand at the
armed forces, militants of the nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries who lay down their arms are guaranteed life, decent treatment
regime does not allow this opportunity to be used."The Azovstal plant has been subject to heavy Russian bombing in recent weeks as Moscow's
repeatedly ignored the calls to lay down their arms, instead seeking humanitarian routes to evacuate those trapped at the plant out of the
besieged city.According to Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk, 1,000 civilians and 500 injured Ukrainian soldiers are believed
They all need to be pulled out of Azovstal today," Vereshchuk said in an online post, calling on Russian forces to allow those trapped
access and safe passage from Mariupol and other besieged Ukrainian cities to mark the upcoming Orthodox Easter holiday.Putin had called off