‘I Visited a Lot of Morgues’: The Independent Russian War Reporters Working in Ukraine

be met with hostility
Yapparova, who works for independent media outlet Meduza and has been in Ukraine since shortly after the beginning of the fighting
of independent Russian journalists have been working tirelessly in Ukraine to report on the ongoing fighting
As well as interviewing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, they have filed dispatches from battlefields in southern and northern
said Elena Kostyuchenko, a reporter for newspaper Novaya Gazeta who arrived in Ukraine on the second day of the war
There were people who found me places to stay
Kostyuchenko worked in the port city of Odesa and the badly-damaged town of Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine
by Russian troops, and from liberated villages near Kyiv, where she found evidence of looting, rape and summary executions carried out by
the truth
of the few ways in which Ukrainian officials can try to communicate directly with a Russian audience that otherwise receives much of its
Meduza last month, while Peter Verzilov, the publisher of independent news website Mediazona, met Zelensky last week to do an interview for
a documentary film.Ivan Kolpakov, editor-in-chief of Meduza, Tikhon Dzyadko, editor-in-chief of Dozhd TV, journalist and writer Mikhail
Zygar and Vladimir Solovyov, special correspondent for Kommersant, interviewing Volodymyr Zelinsky.president.gov.uaThose working on the
When I went to the morgue in Mykolaiv, I saw bodies stacked on top of each other
In the shed outside, there were bodies too
She is one of at least 20 journalists to be killed in the war, according to Ukrainian officials.After more than a month in Ukraine,
with the war against Ukraine, a war against the independent press [in Russia] is being waged
But I am not ready to bury the independent press in Russia