‘They’d probably all die’: Analysts Doubt Russian Push Toward Separatist Transnistria

Fears rose Tuesday that Moscow could order a military push through south-west Ukraine following Russian airstrikes on infrastructure near
United Services Institute think-tank
south from the strategic town Izyum, in an attempt to encircle Ukrainian troops in the east of the country
of the Russian-occupied city of Kherson in the direction of Moldova.A strip of land home to about 470,000 people, the Moldovan separatist
region of Transnistria is sandwiched between Moldova and Ukraine, and has been under the control of separatist authorities since a 1992 war
Security of Transnistria that was shelled from hand-held grenade launchers on April 25
hold on to the southern territories Russia has taken so far,'' said Dmitry Gorenburg, a researcher on Russian security at the Virginia-based
CNA think tank.Speculation about a Russian push through south-western Ukraine began Friday, when General Rustam Minnekayev, the deputy
commander of Russia's central military district, said that "control over the south of Ukraine is another way out to Transnistria, where
Peskov told reporters that Moscow was following the situation in Transnistria closely, and expressed "concern" at the violence.Yet, despite
these events, analysts said Russia was unlikely to launch an attack westward in an attempt to link up with the Russian forces based in the
Transnistrian Radio and TV Centre has collapsed after an explosion in the village of Mayak, Grigoriopol District.Transnistria's Interior
added.To even begin considering a breakout to the west, Russia would need to first utilize the superiority it has in air and naval
approach from the Russian navy, according to Gorenburg
and around the southern city of Odesa
A Russian missile attack Tuesday destroyed a bridge over the Dniester estuary to the west of Odesa, according to Ukrainian officials
be part of a wider Russian plan to herd Ukrainian forces into smaller pockets and cut-off their supply lines, leading to long-term shortages
Ukraine on April 24, 2022, which was reportedly hit by missile strike
A Russian strike on a residential building on April 23, 2022 has killed eight people, including a baby, and wounded at least 18 others in
Ukraine's Black Sea city of Odessa, Kyiv says
ensure the continued delivery of weapons from Western countries, they might be able to think about launching counter-attacks in the coming