Russia Says ‘Alarmed’ by Tensions in Breakaway Transnistria

Russia on Thursday raised the alarm over "acts of terrorism" in Moldova's Moscow-backed breakaway region of Transnistria after separatist
acts of terrorism aimed at destabilizing the situation in the region and expect a thorough and objective investigation," Zakharova added.She
said Russia "strongly condemns" attempts to involve Transnistria in the conflict in neighboring Ukraine, where Moscow has been conducting a
military operation for more than two months.Zakharova also dismissed a "sensational statement" from Ukraine about Russian peacekeepers and
Transnistrian conscripts preparing "for some offensive actions."The separatist region bordering Ukraine has reported explosions hitting the
security ministry, a military unit and a Russian-owned radio tower as well as shots fired at a village housing a Russian arms depot.The
self-proclaimed republic of Transnistria seceded from Moldova in 1992 after a brief war with Chisinau
Around 1,500 Russian soldiers have been based there ever since.Fears of destabilization in the region grew after a Russian general said the
Kremlin's offensive aimed to create a land corridor through southern Ukraine to Transnistria.Kyiv has accused Russia of wanting to
destabilize the region to create a pretext for a military intervention.