Ukraine Probing Russian Soldiers on Bucha War Crime Suspicions

Ukraine is investigating at least 10 Russian soldiers accused of committing war crimes against civilians while occupying the Kyiv suburb of
and harrowing accounts of torture emerged from Bucha and other Kyiv suburbs as Russian forces retreated from Ukraine's capital last month,
shocking the world and sparking calls for a war crimes trial to be brought against Russia.The six Russian officers and four privates under
and thrist and carried out mock executions, Venediktova said in a Facebook post.She said the accusations are backed by evidence gathered by
atrocities in Bucha and other Ukrainian towns were coordinated with the highest ranks of the Russian army, and said Putin bears joint
Ukraine on Feb
rape and torture of civilians.Russia has denied that its forces carried out the atrocities against civilians in Bucha, instead accusing Kyiv
and its Western allies of staging the scenes.Ukrainian investigators have identified more than 8,000 cases of suspected war crimes across
the country since Russia's invasion, Venediktova told a German TV channel on Thursday."It's actually 8,600 cases only about war crimes, and
more than 4,000 cases that are connected with war crimes," Venediktova told the Deutsche Welle broadcaster.