Buzzfeed does some brilliant, important journalism, as do many other media properties that also publish the shallow stuff
In our ad-driven utopia, in which hardly anybody wants to pay for news any more, the fluff is often what pays the bills, and it's
a greater proportion of their advertising income on more serious material
news for organizations funding the likes of Guardian journalist Carole Cadwalladr, who broke the Facebook / Cambridge Analytica scandal
When a publication in one part of the world publishes a story, it might be really useful information for organizations in another part of
Could the next step to be automated the writing of storiesTechnology can help with a lot of basic reporting
pulling information from government agencies, local authorities and the police
uses a technology called Natural Language Generation, or NLG for short
from multiple sources to help journalists with their researchFighting the fakesMy biggest worry about artificial intelligence writing
stories is that if you put garbage in, you get garbage out
though InfoWars has variously reported that the horrific Sandy Hook massacre of schoolchildren was a hoax and that NASA has a slave platform
of bots endlessly posting the same often baseless claims
ads to appear next to made-up content
In practice that means checking not just the page content but the trustworthiness of its publisher, and comparing it with a database of
fiction.Then again, as the internet has demonstrated time after time, the bad guys find ways to use technology too, and they often outsmart
investigate.TheIndianSubcontinent's Next Up series is brought to you in association with HonorwLZJNPyrefdC2RnL8b5oG6.jpg#