Iran criticizes U.S. for abusing human rights

TEHRAN- Saeed Khatibzadeh, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, said Sunday slammed Washington for using human rights as a tool
to achieve its objectives.The United States is exploiting human rights as a weapon to achieve its interests, according to the spokesperson,
with consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).The Iranian diplomat went on to say that human rights
for its distorted approach to human rights.Iran has often warned the U.S
and its Western allies against using human rights as a tool to undermine independent countries.In relevant remarks last week, the secretary
of Iran's High Council for Human Rights Kazem Gharibabadi blasted the U.S
are not allied to these states are under political pressure in international human rights mechanisms and structures because they are going
domestic and international human rights violations.Despite major protests around the country following the deaths of African-American men
George Floyd and Daunte Wright by white police officers last year, a report released in late December indicated that the number of Americans
murdered in confrontations with U.S
police has not dwindled.