New Iranian ambassador submits credentials to Iraqi FM

TEHRAN - The new Iranian ambassador to Iraq, Mohammed Kazem Al Sadeq, met Monday with the Iraqi Foreign Minister to present him with a copy
of his credentials.In remarks during the ceremony, Al Sadeq stressed the need to strengthen Iranian-Iraqi relations in all fields and to
make joint efforts to achieve this.Pointing to the approaching Arbaeen pilgrimage and estimates that large crowds of Iranian pilgrims who
will head to Iraq to observe the ritual, the ambassador called on the Iraqi government to cooperate more to speed up the procedure for
canceling visas between the two countries.The Iraqi foreign minister affirmed his country's supportive stance to open more channels of
bilateral dialogue, including security issues, climate change and its repercussions.The new Iranian ambassador also submitted his
handed cleric Muqtada Sadr a victory.Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said recently that Iran seeks to become a
facilitator in the internal affairs of Iraq and talk to all parties with the aim of achieving a smooth and democratic transition of power in
the Arab country.Recently, Al Sadeq met with Mohammad Hossein Soufi, the director of the Touring and Automobile Club of the Islamic Republic
of Iran, to discuss ways to expand tourism relations with Iraq.Soufi said that creating the necessary facilities, such as issuing
tourism industry.As the biggest and most important task of the touring and automobile club, it aims to improve these facilities, especially
for neighboring countries sharing borders with Iran, such as Iraq, he added.As Iraq is one of the countries with the highest demand for car
travel to Iran, there is a need for joint cooperation between the related organizations in order to remove existing obstacles and facilitate