Will the U.S. seize Vienna talks last opportunity

to make up its mind.After about two months of uncertainty over the fate of the talks in Vienna over reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of
visit Iran agreed to restart talks over issues that are less thorny than the designation of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) that
remove the IRGC from its terrorism list
The U.S
rejected the demand which led to the talks hitting a dead end
Western officials.Iran also expressed willingness to resume the talks but it made it clear who should make the tough decisions
accepting Iran's rational - principled obligations
#US by negligence, - #EU by inaction, destroyed the opportunity to benefit from Iran's goodwill
makes political decisions.Iranian officials have long said that Tehran has made all the necessary decisions to push the talks forward and
to make its own decisions
Tehran last week, according to Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh.Speaking at a weekly presser on Monday, the spokesman
He had several long conversations with Mr