Some using economic, political crisis as pretext to influence national security - President

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, in his message for the 13th anniversary of National War Heroes Day, says various local, and foreign groups and
disregard the policy towards safeguarding sovereignty and independence of this country under any circumstances, as its desire is to protect
the motherland above all else.The war heroes put an end to the war and brought peace to the country through a humanitarian operation, the
have gone through many challenging eras and occasions in the history, the President said it should not be forgotten that the patriots always
took the lead
Therefore, it is important to recall that the history too has given you the responsibility of working cautiously after prudently considering
integrity of the motherland will never be forgotten under any circumstances
Therefore, the National War Heroes Day will be commemorated this year as well by recalling the immense sacrifices made by the war heroes for
national causes.None of us expected the crisis situation we are going through today
The economic crisis has expanded towards a political and social upheaval
Under any circumstances, we will not disregard the policy towards safeguarding sovereignty and independence of this country
That is because our desire is to protect the motherland above all else.Our brave war heroes put an end to the war and brought peace to the
country through a humanitarian operation
There was no hatred, anger or revenge in it
Therefore, there is no room for racism or any other form of extremism in the motherland where peace was established
We regard it as a unique value in Sri Lankan society.We have gone through many challenging eras and occasions in the history
It should not be forgotten that the patriots always took the lead
The war heroes of the country represent this group
Therefore, it is important to recall that the history too has given you the responsibility of working cautiously after prudently considering
the current challenge.There is no doubt that various local, foreign groups and individuals are trying to use the economic and political
crisis as a pretext to influence national security
We must defeat it together
respects and honour to the brave war heroes who sacrificed their lives or became disabled to safeguard the freedom and independence of the
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