Slovak deputy FM meets Amir Abdollahian

Republic, has traveled to Tehran to attend a political consultation meeting with the deputy foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of
organizations.The foreign minister said a plan to hold a joint economic commission meeting is a good opportunity for talks over new trade
stance and its opposition to war and harming civilians.The top Iranian diplomat said, "Unfortunately, in our region, including in
international and European institutions and organizations adopt a proper approach and pay more attention to this issue, Amir Abdollahian
Brockova underscored the significance of strengthening political and economic relations between Iran and Slovakia.Brockova also held talks
with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy Mahdi Safari on Monday to exchange views on how to invigorate economic
pharmaceutical and food industries as well as new and knowledge-based technologies, expressing readiness for cooperation with the Slovak
side.Safari said the field of pharmaceutical and medical industries, including production of coronavirus vaccines, is another area where the
two sides can cooperate.Brockova also expressed pleasure at her Iranian visit, expressing hope that holding a joint economic commission
meeting between the two countries will be a major step in the expansion of trade cooperation.In his meeting with the Slovak diplomat on
Monday, Bagheri Kani also said the global situation has made energy and food security a priority for many countries more than ever before
two strategic pillars of national security of all countries, an opportunity for interaction, cooperation and even solidarity on the world
including Europeans, acknowledges the correct approach and vision of Iran over the past decade or two in trying to resolve crises in Iraq,
Afghanistan and Syria.The Iranian deputy foreign minister said the costs of the failure of the policies of the United States and some
of Afghan refugees, place specific responsibilities on all governments that claim to be protecting human rights, especially the
is necessary to remove obstacles to the development of relations, the Iranian deputy foreign minister said, adding the joint economic
committee meeting of the two countries that will be held next week will pave the way for expanding bilateral relations.During the meeting,
Brockova also said Bratislava views Iran as an important partner to develop bilateral and regional relations with
She also called for regular consultations between the foreign ministries of the two countries on bilateral, regional and international
issues.Such an approach can help expand bilateral and European trade and economic relations with Iran and help strengthen people-to-people