EU-UK trade war looms as London seeks Brexit changes 

UK foreign secretary Liz Truss has proposed legislation in parliament that would change one of the most sensitive elements of the Brexit
agreement that handles how goods move in and out of Northern Ireland, known as the Northern Ireland Protocol.Truss claims the relationship
rules of the Protocol.The EU argues the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement is a legally binding international treaty that has been ratified and
went into effect on January 31, 2020.Germany has expressed outrage that the UK was taking unilateral action to change the treaty at a time
just all threaten each other with breaking international law
relationship with the United Kingdom must be based on the full respect of the legally binding commitments that the two sides have made to
one another, based on the implementation of the [Brexit] Withdrawal Agreement and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement [TCA]
violating the Brexit deal would pose risks to a united European front in response to the Ukraine war and could further damage the British
or high-stakes brinksmanship, the prime minister negotiated this deal, signed it, ran an election campaign on it
by triggering clauses in the TCA that would terminate the entire Brexit trade agreement, spelling the end of tariff-free trade in both
directions along with all the other elements of the deal,This will leave the UK in a no-deal Brexit scenario, serious measure analysts
argue, with long-term consequences for future ties between the UK and the 27-member bloc.The EU could also implement retaliatory measures
more quickly by suspending only the trade aspects of the TCA, leaving other Brexit deal areas intact.As stipulated in the TCA this allows
out that for the EU to be considering any retaliation just 18 months after the two parties sided ways with an international agreement
backdrop of elections in Northern Ireland which was won by the Nationalist Party Sinn Fein.The stunning victory, the first in Northern
However, sending goods to and from Northern Ireland requires additional checks.Unionists in Northern Ireland are opposed to this as they
Ireland Protocol prevented the creation of a physical border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland as any physical barriers
Ireland, the UK and EU drew up the Northern Ireland protocol, which moved the trade border to the Irish Sea.The Democratic Unionist Party
there must be a power-sharing executive with both a First and Deputy First Minister who represent both Unionist and Nationalist
communities.The DUP refused to nominate one, citing the Northern Ireland Protocol.The DUP welcomed the decision by Truss, saying that they
unilateral measures on the Brexit deal to please the unionists in Northern Ireland (who want the Protocol scrapped) at the expense of legal
will serve only to make it more challenging to find solutions to the genuine concerns that people in Northern Ireland have about how the
position does not change
He said the Protocol was now out of date as it was designed before the coronavirus pandemic, a rising cost of living crisis, and Russia's
war with Ukraine.