Biden must consider costs of passivity and find a way to save JCPOA: Solana, Bildt

TEHRAN - In an op-ed in the Washington Post published on May 17, former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt and Javier Solana, the former NATO
secretary general and EU foreign policy chief, have criticized U.S
because the U.S
is refusing to take a political decision to remove the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), a branch of the Iranian military, from the
chief, Josep Borrell, said the sides have agreed to resume the talks in Vienna
revitalization of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to issues not related to the original agreement
concluded, the Europeans are trying to break a deadlock on the issue that continues to snarl the works: the U.S
designation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization
This designation is a largely symbolic measure with little or no relation to the dispute over the nuclear program
forefront of diplomatic efforts to end the nuclear crisis with Iran and avoid another disastrous war in the Middle East (West Asia)
diplomacy that U.S
administration is hesitant to delist the IRGC from the FTO list
no intention to build nuclear arms
Such a principle falls within a fatwa (decree) issued by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that states producing,
stockpiling and using weapons of mass destructions (WMDs), including nuclear weapons, is haram (religiously banned).The two former senior
We did it because it benefited our national security
The same is true with respect to Iran