Why is BBC trying to reverse reality

Douhan, who has previously studied the effects of sanctions in Qatar, Venezuela and Zimbabwe, came to Tehran to comprehensively investigate
the effects of sanctions on the daily lives of Iranians. On Wednesday, May 17, she held a press conference to tell reporters about the
results of her initial assessments.Douhan said she met with government representatives and representatives of various civil society
organizations, health and medical centers and university academics.The Tehran Times has learned that Douhan had held more than 50 formal and
informal visits in the 11 days of her mission in Iran
She met with almost all cabinet ministers, the vice president for women's affairs, and the heads of many civil society organizations
Many of these meetings were independently coordinated by the special rapporteur herself.Simultaneously with the announcement of Douhan's
visit to Iran, many fake social media users began their smear campaigns on this trip and the UN special rapporteur
It was initially stated that Iran would provide the special rapporteur with false information to prevent the publication of a documented and
factual report
Then, it was rumored that Douhan had taken $200,000 from China to reverse the report on the Uyghur massacre
But none of them were true.According to information obtained by the Tehran Times correspondent, during these 12 days, the Iranian government
and the international relations office of the Judiciary Human Rights Headquarters did not pay any expenses for the trip in order to avoid
possible rumors
Douhan even mentioned in her press conference that she had brought cash with her so that she could pay for her hotel
This statement was in line with what the Tehran Times correspondent heard, that Douhan's hotel was provided not by the international
relations office of the Human Rights Headquarters, but by the United Nations Office in Tehran.But now that the UN Special Rapporteur on
sanctions has spoken of the illegality of secondary U.S
and European sanctions against Iran, the Persian-language foreign media are trying to prevent her from revealing the facts by putting
pressure on her, or at the very least, portray her as a reporter affiliated with the Iranian government
Dohan is the UN Special Rapporteur on the Negative Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures, and although she traveled to Iran on behalf of
the UN Human Rights Council, she made no mention of the recent protests at her press conference on Wednesday
There were no reports of violent repression of protesters."The BBC's claim comes at a time when Douhan's mission is basically to study the
special rapporteur would have spoken about it at her presser, it would have been outside her mission
BBC reporters deliberately go over this issue in particular and try to get to the heart of the matter
Of course, they may not know that Douhan is a UN special rapporteur on one particular subject and only works in the field of sanctions, in
which case, rest in peace media!The Tehran Times would like to remind the BBC that special rapporteurs are divided into two categories:
There are ones who focus on one subject, and there are others who focus on all aspects of one country, for the latter, Ahmad Javeed is an
example focusing on Iran.Other parts of Douhan's report may be more interesting to the BBC Persian, but they deliberately turn a blind eye
to the problems that exist in the field of banking transactions
rights situation in Iran, and have damaged the livelihoods of the people, mostly the vulnerable classes of the society
Issues such as children diagnosed with cancer, EB patients, thalassemia patients, and chemical warfare victims in Iran may be more
interesting topics for BBC Persian