Russia Eases Capital Controls to Hold Back Surging Ruble

Russia said it would loosen capital controls late Monday as the surging ruble threatened to reduce export revenues.The Finance Ministry said
in a statement that it would cut the share of foreign currency earnings exporters were required to convert to rubles from 80% to 50%.But the
2.4% in Tuesday morning trading to 56.61 against the U.S
stabilization of the ruble exchange rate and the achievement of a sufficient level of liquidity in foreign currency on the domestic
measures are unlikely to lead to a major ruble weakening for at least several weeks, expertstold independent media outlet The Bell.Moreover,
they said exporters will still end up selling more than 50% of their foreign currency earnings to fulfill their tax obligations, The Bell
sanctions led to a collapse in the ruble's value following the invasion of Ukraine.This move, and a raft of other currency controls, has
helped the ruble strengthen 53% since its February low of 121.53 against the U.S