Iran slams Turkey's threat to launch incursion into Syria, urges dialogue

TEHRAN- Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Saeed Khatibzadeh, said on Saturday that Tehran rejects military action against regional
nations, emphasizing that the best way to allay Turkey's security worries is via dialogue rather than another foray into Syria.The
statements were made following Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's vow to begin a fresh military operation in Syria with the ostensible
result in humanitarian disasters in the region.While the Islamic Republic recognizes Turkey's security concerns, he said the best way to
address them is via dialogue and respect for bilateral agreements with neighbors, as well as agreements established within the Astana peace
noted.Infringing on Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity, Turkey has deployed military in the Arab country.In October 2019,
Ankara-backed militants were sent to northeastern Syria as Turkish armed troops started a long-threatened cross-border incursion in a
declared attempt to drive militants from the People's Protection Units (YPG) out of border regions.Ankara sees the YPG as a terrorist group
linked to Turkey's own Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which has been fighting for an autonomous Kurdish territory since 1984.Syrian
President Bashar Al-Assad and other top officials have stated that Damascus will respond to Turkish forces' ongoing ground attack in Syria's
northern provinces using all lawful methods at their disposal.Damascus has also emphatically rejected Erdogan's plan for the creation of a
"safe zone" in the occupied northern portion of the Arab country, calling it an "aggressive, colonial act."The Syrian Foreign Ministry
asserted in recent letters to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and UN Security Council rotating president Linda Thomas-Greenfield that
Ankara wants to establish a volatile region within Syria and continue to support, arm, and command terror groups against the Syrian
country.Turkey's actions on Syrian territory, according to the statement, are unlawful and have no legal impact, and even amount to war