IAEA report rebuking Iran highlights Malley self-fulfilling prophecy

admonishing Iran for allegedly not giving answers to questions raised indirectly by Israel
While talks in Vienna over reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), still
hang in the balance due to U.S
stonewalling over a range of issues raised by Iran, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released its fresh report on the state of
cooperation with Tehran
delicate moment for the state of play between Iran and the IAEA
And some media and diplomatic circles are already pushing for censure against Iran in the meeting
Reuters said that development could set up a new diplomatic clash with the West.Iranian officials said the IAEA report does not reflect the
level of cooperation between Iran and the Agency
Mohammad Reza Ghaebi, the acting head of Iran's permanent representative to the Vienna-based International Organizations, said the report is
one-sided and fails to reflect Iran's considerable cooperation with the IAEA.In its first reaction to the report, France called on Iran to
Iran-IAEA relations, seems to be part of a plan aimed at tightening the loose on Iran amid growing frustrations over the Vienna talks.On May
24, the Wall Street Journal claimed that Iran used secret IAEA records to evade nuclear probes
reports almost two decades ago and circulated the documents among top officials who prepared cover stories and falsified a record to conceal
On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett published alleged Iranian documents that are very much aligned with the Journal
with American officials getting filled with dismay by the never-ending lull in the talks
And this lull is the direct outcome of the U.S
accused Iran of presenting demands that fall beyond the scope of the 2015 nuclear pact, an allegation Iran denies
Iranian officials said that they demanded the U.S
do certain measures to enable Iran to fully benefit from any sanctions relief under the JCPOA.The U.S
blame game has now brought the talks to a halt
In his recent testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the U.S
He blamed the lull in talks on Iran, saying that if Iran maintains demands that go beyond the scope of the JCPOA, there will be no deal.This
International Organizations in Vienna, said Tuesday that the ball is now in the U.S
According to mass media reports, Iran during the recent visit of the #EU Coordinator to Tehran demonstrated certain degree of flexibility
and now waits for a response from the US side
Serious talks over bilateral, regional and international issues are on the agenda of this trip
We stress development of relations between Iran and Norway along with our efforts to secure [our] national interests including the removal