Westerners Who Stayed in Russia Find Home Transformed By War

for their physical safety since the start of the war
Nor did they report any instances of hostility from authorities or ordinary Russians.But the military campaign has undoubtedly cast a cloud
over their relationships with others, making them more cautious when voicing opinions.The "Z" symbol that indicates support for the war in
interest: on the one hand it's divisive and we have to be careful what we say, on the other hand I'm delighted that people are doing their
Petersburg suburb of Gatchina.Meanwhile, Western sanctions have almost completely isolated Russia from the global financial system and made
Moskva News AgencyOther European and U.S
citizens in Moscow complained that financial isolation made accessing private healthcare facilities more complicated, as well as noting
by Westerners.British national Helene Lloyd, head of the Tourism, Marketing - Intelligence consultancy in St
said her business plans to stay in the Russian market, she added that they were also opening an office in the more neutral location of
The consequences it faces now are here for the long run
I do not try to predict whether things will get better or worse, or when