Biden’s lost popularity among black Americans reflects wider problems 

Presidential candidate among Black American voters has nosedived more than a year after he assumed office as the President of the United
One of the questions that stood out in the survey (among black Americans) was: overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is
injustice in the U.S
and pledged to take measures that would ease racial division in America.He repeatedly described his Predecessor Donald Trump as a racist who
polarized the U.S
later, the number of black Americans who approve of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president has dropped from 90 percent to 70
November election for the U.S
House and some U.S
Senate and governor seats? 54 percent answered they were absolutely certain to vote, compared with 71 percent who answered the same
keeping most of his major campaign promises, while 37 percent answered that he is not
The survey reveals that respondents believe Democrats have failed to deliver despite being in control of both houses of Congress in addition
incumbent, with 29 percent in favor of the current Vice President Kamala Harris followed by seven percent for the Transportation Secretary
Pete Buttigieg
wide variety of issues the U.S
President has failed to address on top of taking any measures to tackle racial divisions and inequality that he said he would undertake
address any of the problematic matters that the U.S
politicize the judicial system
weapons sales to Saudi Arabia including offensive weaponry.On top of that, he pledged to end the war on Yemen, but the Biden administration
praising the extension of the two-month ceasefire between the Saudis and Yemeni forces, extended his gratitude to regional parties for
position and stance towards China and Russia remain the same (Washington stands accused of provoking the war in Ukraine)
His pledge to return to the Iran nuclear deal has failed to materialize