Iran, Syria to develop health tourism, pharmaceutical co-op

the fields of health tourism and pharmaceuticals.In a meeting on Monday, Einollahi welcomed the exchange of medical services and equipment
by the two countries, referring to the memorandum of understanding signed in various fields.He called for the elimination of bureaucratic
barriers to the activities of doctors and the exchange of medicines, referring to the provision of education for students of the two
countries.Elsewhere in his remarks, Einollahi announced his readiness to hold a joint congress of Iranian and Syrian medical sciences
is a need to increase the exchange of medical research, especially now that there is ample opportunity for collaboration.A total of 227
knowledge-based firms are supplying medical equipment for health centers across the country.He further emphasized that Syria would support
any agreement between the two countries to promote health.Sanctions for countries bring more solidarity and we must stay together, he
further noted.Rise in pharmaceuticals, medical productionsThe import of pharmaceuticals has declined in Iran by 91 percent, which shows the
October.Today, all medicine used in the treatment of coronavirus are produced by domestic manufacturers, and if we wanted to import all the
items, there would be a high exchange rate, he further stated, emphasizing that COVID-19 vaccine development indicates the pharmaceutical
total of 227 knowledge-based firms are supplying medical equipment for health centers across the country, according to the Vice Presidency
for Science and Technology.Knowledge-based companies can produce any medicine effective in countering coronavirus or approved by the
scientific committee within a week to 10 days, Sourena Sattari, vice president for science and technology, said.In January 2021, the
Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Imam unveiled three raw pharmaceuticals and a new anti-coronavirus drug called Ivermectin, which
had been previously imported.Also, Iran is capable of production of biopharmaceuticals, which has so far reached 28 items, making Iran the
third leading country in Asia.FB/MG