Iran deplores IAEA board resolution

deplores the approval of a resolution drafted by the U.S., Britain, France and Germany at the IAEA Board of Governors as a political, wrong
which mustered support from 30 member states
Islamic Republic of Iran showed goodwill in its interaction with the Agency by providing it with accurate technical information as per the
March 5, 2022, joint statement of the two sides
It was expected that the IAEA, with an independent, neutral and professional approach, would act constructively and realistically to
Governors on December 15, 2015
The Islamic Republic of Iran has engaged in constructive cooperation with the IAEA over the past years and the fact that the Agency has
carried out a considerable part of its inspections worldwide in Iran is proof of this to the extent that Iran currently has one of the most
and also on fake information from the Zionist regime
So the passing of the resolution will have no effect but the weakening of the trend of cooperation and interaction of the Islamic Republic
the approval of the resolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran has taken some practical steps in retaliation including the installation of
said the U.S
ahead of IAEA's credibility by pushing a miscalculated - ill-advised Res
against a country w/ the world's most transparent peaceful nuclear program
The initiators are responsible for the consequences