Begging to S. Arabia for higher oil output is a big mistake: GWU professor 

simply a mistake
Americans profit from relations with Saudi Arabia and they care little about the heinous crimes of its rulers
notes.Biden is set to visit some West Asian countries, including Saudi Arabia, in the coming weeks amid a larger shift in tone towards the
kingdom, according to multiple U.S
text of the interview about such a trip:Q: It was announced on May 2 that President Biden would tour West Asia to visit Saudi Arabia and
objectives in mind
The trip to Riyadh is not to repair relations but instead to beg Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, to increase
oil output and exports in order to moderate global oil price increases sparked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing U.S
and European economic sanctions on Russia
more money to oppressive Saudi rulers to continue their crimes.Q: Will the trip benefit the United States or will it be considered a
mistake?A: Saudi Arabia is one of the most repressive regimes in the world
It does not have a modern constitution
It has no meaningful elections
of their birthright
There are no churches, no synagogues, only mosques that preach the perverted Saudi Wahabi doctrines of Islam with no tolerance even of Shia
In Islam depletable resources, such as oil and natural gas, belong equally to every member of all generations and should be managed
They torture
And yes, they kill their subjects with impunity as we witnessed in the brutal murder and subsequent dismemberment of Washington Post
In the aftermath of this heinous crime, Americans and American companies distanced themselves from Saudi Arabia and MBS for a few months,
but then resumed their business dealings as if nothing had happened.But there is more
Saudi Arabia has been engaged in the indiscriminate bombing of its neighbor, Yemen, killing more than 350,000 civilians in what many around
the world have labeled genocide and the biggest blight on humanity since the Holocaust
planes, bombs, mid-air refueling and intelligence! Shameful! This is the same MBS who arrested the former crown prince and other Al-Saud
members who were a threat to his rule.Presidential candidate Biden was going to put an end to this and treat Saudi Arabia as a pariah, yet
he now goes begging MBS, who would not even accept his telephone call when Biden wanted to request that Saudi Arabia produce more oil, which
in turn would only enrich the kingdom
Thus Biden is a beggar who works to enrich his master! How America debases itself in front of the whole world for lower gas prices at the
pump.Why does America care so much for Saudi Arabia? Because of oil and the money it brings
begging to Saudi Arabia for higher oil output after all that MBS has done and is doing is simply a mistake
A big mistake
by about 2 million barrels a day (mbd) within 1-3 months
Why is there a shortage of oil and oil capacity in the world? Because of the war in Ukraine and the economic sanctions on Russia along with
So today, Saudi Arabia is reluctant to antagonize its Russian collaborator by increasing oil exports significantly and moderating oil
Higher levels of Saudi oil exports are not a Saudi sacrifice but a Saudi bonanza and Saudi Arabia will be in a position to claim that it is
supporting the world in a pinch!But any Saudi pledge will have a marginal impact on oil prices over the ensuing few months
The likely increase in Saudi output will not do much given the higher summer driving season and the re-configuring of refineries for a
different gasoline blend.Q: What will the trip do to relieve the shortage of natural gas in Europe?A: Let me first provide a little
background.The largest deposits of natural gas are in Russia, followed by Iran and Qatar
LNG is more costly to export and to receive because it has to be liquified in a costly plant, transported in expensive special tankers,
gasified at a terminal in the importing country and then piped to the end user
The largest exporter is Qatar, closely followed by the U.S
and Australia.Why is there a shortage of natural gas? The shortage is most acute in Europe
Europe (most heavily central Europe) has depended on piped gas from Russia with some LNG imports
Because of the war, there is not only a shortage of piped gas but also of LNG, LNG tankers and LNG gasifying plants in various parts of
Besides the war, why the shortage?Again, because of U.S
sanctions on Iran
exports to Europe, leaving Europe vulnerable to Russia
At the same time, this has impoverished Iranians and deprived them of needed nutrition and healthcare
Sadly, it has become a failing city on a hill
and Abu Ghraib prisons, the debacle in Afghanistan and supplying intelligence, mid-air refueling, and arms for the genocide in Yemen
unprincipled and haphazard approach to foreign policy and economic sanctions
his years in the U.S
Senate and as vice-president has been a big backer of Israel
acquiescence to Zionist policies
American politicians live in fear of Israeli reprisals through the American political system
So Biden is no different
He is almost an Israeli backer in chief.So why would such a U.S
Not to worry
Because in that case, Biden will be bombarded by Israeli backers in the Congress and he will need their backing to weather the storm,
especially as the U.S
is coming up to the mid-term elections in November
The Israeli PM could provide Biden with much-needed support in his own country, the United States.