Iran targets $5b annual trade with Africa by 2025

annual trade exchanges with African countries to $5 billion by the Iranian calendar year 1404 (begins in March 2025)
Peyman-Pak said the trade with the mentioned countries is expected to reach $2.5 billion by the end of the current Iranian calendar year
(March 20, 2023), IRNA reported.Referring to the preparation of the country's trade development roadmap at the beginning of the work of the
13th administration, the official said: "In this roadmap, major factors including exports and the share of different sectors is specified,
and in the case of Africa, the priorities and targets for trade with different countries and the requirements for reaching these targets are
determined."Peyman-Pak put the share of African countries in Iran's export basket at $1.2 billion, saying: "Africa's annual imports amount
to about $580 billion and our share of this figure is still small despite all the efforts
We have managed to export $1.2 billion to this market."He further mentioned the capacities of the mentioned continent for the export of
technical and engineering services and said: "The total exports of technical and engineering services to Africa is currently $300 billion;
increase the level of trade with Africa certain infrastructure including transportation and direct shipping lines, as well as proper legal,
commercial, monetary, and banking relations must be provided, and TPO has been recently focusing on providing such requirements to
mechanism by Trade Promotion Organization with several countries, we hope to benefit from this platform with African trade partners as
the barter trade with African countries.Referring to the TPO plans to expand trade with Africa, Tabatabaei announced the improvement of
most important challenge for Iranian businessmen regarding Africa is the lack of knowledge and familiarity with its markets.He further noted
that another important challenge in the way of expanding trade with African countries is transportation and logistics, especially the need
and which needs to be strengthened, must also be implemented and regulated in West Africa
important importers of technical and engineering services in the world, and fortunately, Iran has become more advanced in this area in