President Raisi holds talks with ICCIMA board members

(ICCIMA) on Sunday to discuss major economic issues as well as the strategies and obstacles to the effective presence of the private sector
in the country's economy.As reported by the portal of Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA), in this
meeting Raisi emphasized the importance of the presence of the private sector in the country's economy, saying that new strategies should be
the basis for the government's economic decisions is the alliance of major policies and decisions, adding: "Political agendas and party
considerations should not influence these decisions or prevent decisions from being made."Raisi stated that the government supports the
development of non-oil exports, especially by the private sector exporters, adding: "The participation of the private sector in the
stressed.According to Raisi, the growth of the country's economy depends on the investment making of large state-owned companies,
non-governmental public institutions, and private sector investors as well as foreign investment, but private sector investment can have the
most important role and the most impact.In this meeting, the ICCIMA board members announced their readiness to cooperate with the government
in various areas and voiced their support for the government's important policies and programs in the field of economic reform.They also
they are ready to participate in the completion of semi-finished projects and create at least one million jobs.The attendees of the meeting
also expressed their views on the performance of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) and criticized the issuance of numerous directives by the
bank.They also called for the removal of redundant customs regulations which are creating obstacles in the way of exports by the private