Israel resorts to bluffing amid ongoing talks 

inside Iran.After the assassination of Sayyad Khodaei, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps colonel who was assassinated in a drive-by
shooting in front of his home in Tehran, Israeli and Western media launched a concerted media campaign to portray almost every death of
civilian and military officials as suspicious, thereby insinuating that Israel was behind such deaths.This campaign used Iran blaming the
assassination of Colonel Khodaei on Israel as proof to attribute every death to Israel
To this end, the death of ordinary engineers in faraway cities was portrayed as a special operation by Israel
A case in point was the death of an engineer in Yazd who Western media said died of food poisoning
also obvious in the cases of two other Iranian military personnel whose death was announced by officials
A few days ago, the IRGC said one of its members named Ali Kamani lost his life in a car accident in Arak Province
announcements on the cause of these deaths, Israeli and Western media unleashed their minds to imagine bizarre stories
In one story cooked up by a television news channel close to Israel, Kamani and Abdous were introduced as key members of an arms development
and production program aimed at supplying Lebanese Hezbollah with arms
to Tasnim, in recent months some Western media, particularly Persian-language ones, in a joint psychological operation, are trying to depict
any incident in Iran as a security issue.In a bid to give substance to this media campaign, some Israeli officials are busy making remarks
insinuating that they are taking the battle to Iran
For instance, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, whose cabinet is teetering on the brink of collapse, has sought to project power and
strength through promoting what he calls the Octopus Doctrine, a new strategy allegedly aimed at dealing with Iran directly instead of
Bennett said on June 7 at a meeting of the parliamentary defense and foreign affairs committee, according to the New York Times
On Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said Israel must stop its provocative and hostile behavior, according to Al
Salami vowed revenge for Sayyad Khodaei
He blamed the assassination of Khodaei on Israel, underlining that Iran will avenge his killing.By the assassination of Khodaei Israel
seemingly sought to show that it was broadening the scope of its confrontation with Iran
A few days after the assassination of the IRGC colonel, Israeli media reported, with great fanfare, that Israel was also behind an alleged