U.S. sends wrong signals

sent all the wrong signals at a time when talks in Vienna face a murky future.On Thursday, the U.S
number of companies in China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that the U.S
accused of being front companies supporting the sale of Iranian petrochemicals abroad.The sanctions were noticeably imposed under executive
orders issued by former President Donald Trump after pulling the U.S
out of the 2015 nuclear deal in May 2018
Therefore, the new sanctions are a gross violation of U.S
commitments under the nuclear deal, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)
Of course, one might argue that the U.S
is no longer party to the tattered deal
presidency, Biden promised to get the U.S
back to the JCPOA
In April 2021, he dispatched a negotiating team headed by Rob Malley to negotiate with Iran through European intermediaries
But despite his diplomatic gestures, President Biden continued to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor
of Governors that poisoned the trend of cooperation between Tehran and the UN nuclear watchdog
Iran with the purpose of pushing Tehran into accepting the drafted agreement reached during eight rounds of talks that started in Vienna in
doubling down on sanctions will only complicate the situation and make the successful conclusion of the talks more difficult
Abiding by Majlis law, we continue talks - call on US to be realistic - abandon sanctions lunacy; - on IAEA to focus on technical duties