Russia Recruits Teachers, Construction Workers and Politicians to ‘Rebuild’ Occupied Ukraine

by its forces, according to public online job postings and news reports.Since shifting the focus of its invasion eastward following a failed
devastation of its four-month offensive, offering above-average salaries and a slew of benefits.Dozens of job postings on Russian online
marketplace Avito call on bricklayers, roof mechanics, painters and welders to join in the reconstruction of Donetsk, the capital of the
clinics, schools, kindergartens and apartment buildings in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine.Avito.ruAccording to the advertisements, all workers
humanitarian group, dozens of Russian psychologists and teachers are currently working as part of a volunteer mission in Mariupol, the
southern Ukrainian port that was nearly completely destroyed by Russian forces before they captured it last month.Unlike construction
workers, teachers are reportedly being recruited through private channels, such as closed social media groups at universities that
occupied Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions.The university said the message was not authentic.Safety concerns are one of the main factors
hindering the recruitment of Russia-educated teachers for the occupied territories, according to Daniil Ken, the head of the independent
Kremlin-loyal activists, Vedomosti newspaper reported earlier this week.Politicians going to the separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk
are guaranteed a doubling of their salaries and even promised promotions upon returning to Russia, the Kommersant newspaper reported
Antonov, a deputy in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, was appointed as a humanitarian adviser to DNR leader Denis Pushilin earlier this
liberated territories and helping people
fervor of recently promoted regional officials, ordinary Russians might be simply less optimistic about their future prospects in the newly