Bayat Foundation provides aid to quake victims in Khost and Paktika provinces

Bayat Foundation has provided food packages, non-food items, shelter and medicines to victims of Wednesday&s deadly earthquake in Khost and
Paktika provinces.Foundation officials said a medical team from their organization has also been engaged in treating the injured and
distributing medicine to the victims for the past two days.The foundation&s aid packages include flour, oil, rice and shelter, which were
distributed to affected people in the Spireh district of Khost and Gayan in Paktika.In addition to distributing aid to the victims, the
foundation has also sent a medical team to the area and has been distributing medicine to the injured and treating the wounded for the past
two days.In addition to this, technical teams from Afghan Wireless Communication Company (AWCC) have also arrived in Khost province to
provide emergency telecommunication services to the affected areas.In the meantime, Bayat Foundation officials have said that assistance to
the victims of the earthquake in Khost and Paktika provinces will continue for the next few days.Bayat Foundation has been involved in
charitable work since 2006, and is involved, across the country, in the health sector, and is always quick to respond to disasters in the
country.The post Bayat Foundation provides aid to quake victims in Khost and Paktika provinces first appeared on Ariana News.