Thousands protest against NATO summit 

Thousands of demonstrators have poured their anger on the streets of the Spanish capital Madrid against NATO in protest over the U.S.-led
ahead of a NATO summit which will take place in the Spanish capital next week
A second demonstration which had been organized for Wednesday has now been banned by the Spanish government citing security
be shut down
Protesters criticized an increase in military spending in Europe which was urged by NATO, saying it poses a threat to regional peace and
(with) this business of arms and killing people
The solution they propose is more arms and wars and we always pay for it
So, no NATO, no (army) bases, let the Americans go and leave us alone without wars and weapons," Concha Hoyos, a retired Madrid resident,
told Reuters."We think NATO is a criminal organization that doesn't help the working classes," protest organizer Javier Martorell told CGTN,
"with them it's just war and misery
giving weapons to Ukraine," one male protester told the news channel.A female protestor also said that NATO had "been causing genocide and
to the war in Ukraine."Twice as much money is being spent on the army and militarism as before, and that money is being taken away from
health, education..." says protester Elena Zurita.Organizers say around 5,000 people participated in the first demonstration
Leaders of the NATO member countries will be meeting in Madrid between 29-30 June as the organization faces the unprecedented challenge of
military operation in Ukraine
Moscow has also condemned the U.S
are reportedly providing protection for the NATO summit despite a Spanish interior ministry spokesman saying no threat has been
identified.Meanwhile, protesters have also marched in the southern German town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which is close to where leaders of
demands include the fight against poverty, climate change, and world hunger
Greenpeace activists participated in the protests
decision-making."I'm 17 years old - there are people sitting there who are four times my age, discussing my future without asking any young
people what we want even once," Utz said.The G7 group of leaders which make led by the United States started a three-day summit on Sunday at
gathered for the summit, U.S
reportedly moved to ban the imports of Russian gold in a bid to tighten the sanctions against Moscow
However, it was not clear whether there was consensus on the measure, with European Council President Charles Michel saying the plan will
keep a united front against Russia
among the British government that some countries could become persuaded by calls for Kyiv to cede the eastern Donbas region in exchange for
a peace deal.As his domestic political woes continue to haunt him, Johnson held a marathon of bilateral meetings and TV interviews
move, Johnson also addressed the American people (suffering a cost-of-living crisis) by speaking to U.S
Reports are surfacing of governments expressing concern about the collateral damage from Western sanctions on Moscow as soaring inflation
and energy shortages rebound on their own citizens
The skyrocketing global energy and food prices are hitting economic growth in the wake of the conflict in Ukraine, as the UN warns of an
G7 leaders to support developing countries in their battle against the food crisis.However, the U.S
at a time when a deadly conflict is unfolding in Eastern Europe and households are struggling to put food on the table back home is not the
despite strong divisions between the two countries over London changing parts of the Brexit deal regarding the Northern Ireland Protocol has
also been viewed as a lack of genuineness by the two leaders
A meeting between the pair would likely make negative headlines back home as neither one appears to have a clear strategy on how to repair
their damaged leadership apart from blaming Russia.